Monday, April 15, 2013

Chapter 14. Medium influence

Which medium do you think may have the strongest influence on people: radio, film, television, or the internet. Why?

I think that out of the choices given in this scenario, I think that the internet would be the prime source of medium influence for a few reasons. For one if you look at a couple of the choices they are highly associated with internet like people can look at television shows online now as well as stream movies from certain websites. The internet has definitely been one of the dominant traits that has known to exist on mankind. With the internet people can dig into deeper research as to if they want a new item/luxery or if they want to travel to a particular location or anything else of their interest. Also with internet it is interactive and you can communicate in a two dimensional interface as supposed to a one dimension interface like the other choices where you just intake the information with no interaction opportunity. Finally the internet is one that is most turned to in regards to entertainment, infomation/learning, or any other purpose rather than one or the other like the others. I.e Film, television primarily for entertainment, radio for informational purposes, the point is internet is interchangable.

Thursday, April 11, 2013

Chapter 12 Which ethic?

If you had to pick one ethical system by which to live by, with no influences from other which would it be and why?

I would probably pick the judicial system to live by. It would be the closest to any law as ever if other laws were ruled out. I think that the judicial system would be the most influential law to all mankind and would effect communication in some aspects. Honestly I would not be 100% sure which law I would stick out all the way through but I figured that maybe judicial system has worked for history and has been passed down for centuries. There probably would be other laws that I would live by but I am sticking with judicial system hands down.

Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Chapter 11 Question 4 Which advertisement?

Discuss which advertisement format you feel is the most effective and why. Are there some products that are better advertised in a certain format than in others? Why do you think this is?

I feel like the format that is most effective in advertisement would be electronic advertising. This includes television, internet, and movie product placement. The reason being is because these are the most frequent and most shown types of advertisement that we experience. They seem to work on most of the public because they show these types of advertisement in certain locations/time. As far as some products that are advertised better than others I would say food is one of the most frequent items that are advertised the most. We see the commercial of going out to eat in our homes (TV), in our theaters of commercials even on our computers of advertisement before the actual video that Google sponsors. It has almost gotten to the point that it is spamming us. I think that because not only is going out to eat is on people's minds but food is also a type of necessity not just a luxury. Most people do not care what type of food they eat (for the most part) but they care about what suggestions should they eat. Almost like Agenda Setting theory where the media tells us what to think about only in this case the advertisement tells us what food to think about.

Thursday, April 4, 2013

Celebrity Follower Ch 10. Pg. 334 Question 8

How many Celebrity Twitter accounts do you Follow? What made you decide to follow them? Have you stopped following any? Why?

On twitter I follow up to 100 celebrities that are composed of mostly music artists and gaming/video artists. I follow these artists because of my two biggest passions in life music and video games. I think I mostly follow these artists because I like to see when the next big project that artist completes will come out in the public. I think if it wasn't for social media opportunities like twitter I would have no clue what any artist/celeb would be up to in this day and age. TO this day ever since I have made my twitter and followed people I have yet to stop following any of them because they keep me entertained and none of them have gone on a long hiatus  yet. If any of them did stop posting or tweeting of their status I think that would make me stop following because to me it seems that the person would not care about their fans. (Unless they gave a notification that they were having problems in their own life.)

Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Ch. 8 Pg 264 Question # 2

Which of the five ways in which our media use is changing (choice, creation, curation, conversation, or collaboration,) do you think is most important? Why?

In my mind I feel like creation would be the most important because it seems to be what most people look for with whatever new site, blog, item, etc comes out. It also would be the main concern above the other choices in the question. Once the item has been created people look at the basics and choose whether to make that item publicly known. People in general look at originality and what has yet to be created. With Twitter people get to introduce their pictures, keep up with famous stars, and encouraged us to place our statuses to wherever we are nearly 24/7. It was a new measure of social media that the public looks up to and it was originality. I would say that along with creation it needs to have originality and that would be the main theme to catch the public's eye. 

Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Chapter 7 Question 6 Pg. 234

Should someone who runs a pornographic website containing images of him or her self be fired by an employer because it could give the employer a bad image, even if the person never states where he or she works on the website? Why or why not?

People should be aware of the accountability that come with having a job like owning a porn site. Having the porn site and trying to have a regular job would conflict with one another and the person should be fired for having a porn business. One reason that the employee should be fired because, as stated earlier, it brings liability to the company of the regular job they work. People fail to realize that information on the internet is NOT secure as you think. There are people in the world that could get those pictures and send them to other sites, forums etc. and that action could come back to the employees job where the employer and other higher parties could see.Second this is what I am having a hard time understanding is why would anyone post pictures of themselves with that porn title attached to their name? That action alone would hurt the employee's  chance of receiving other employment elsewhere. Third, and this also ties back to liability, would be the fact that other companies could see this particular person on this site and they could use this to hurt the employee's company and possibly do some type of damage to the company's image. Overall if I was the employer I would not want someone who is associated with the porn industry working for my firm. Businesses must be professional and in order to function in the world today must not have any liabilities that could wreck the company.

Sunday, March 17, 2013

Ch 6 Question 4

Discuss ways in which you would like to see search engines improved?

Search engines are a good tool to use for the most part there really are not a lot of modifications that could be made to fix them. Although there is that annoying function of typing a certain location, or musician, or a book etc. and getting irrelevant results.  In my opinion companies could start off  by creating a function that you could select that narrows down results. Say for example you want to look for an electronic book pdf on bing and you get hundreds of thousands of results most of which do not even relate to your search. Google could make a function if you receive after you type your search and you click the function and this would narrow down the results to from a thousand to about a hundred. Another type of improvement that could be improved could be if they not always have those annoying suggestions when you type in two letters. It is not really that much of a big deal I just find it quite annoying. Other than that I really cannot find too many other problems with search engines.